» Charitable Planning
Joe Biden’s Tax Plan: What Has and Has Not Changed
February 18th, 2022
When a new president takes office, tax planners and financial planners sift through campaign promises as if they were tea leaves, trying to predict what laws will change and how to adjust their planning accordingly. President Joe Biden has been in of…
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Charitable Pledges Payable on Death
March 4th, 2019
Many of us, as we get older, find that we want to have a broader positive impact on the world around us. Often this takes the form of financial support to organizations that do good work in the community or even halfway across the world. While many p…
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What You Need to Know About Tax Deductions for Donating Art and Personal Property
November 16th, 2018
If you are a lover of art or other fine collectibles, you probably want your collections to go to someone who will appreciate them as you do. You may also want to use your valuable collections to benefit a charitable organization that is important to…
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How the TCJA Impacts Charitable Giving
October 2nd, 2018
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is the most sweeping tax reform in decades. When it took effect on January 1, 2018, it changed many things we have come to take for granted about taxes and tax deductions in this country. One of those is the relations…
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Basics of Income Tax Deductions for Donations to Charitable Organizations
January 15th, 2013
Taking advantage of income tax deductions for donations to charitable organizations gives an individual more control over how his or her money is used. Potential tax money is taken out of the hands of the government and given to charities the donor w…
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Tags: Charitable Giving
IRA Gifts to Charity: The Ideal Asset to Gift at Death
December 17th, 2012
As gifts to charity, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are among the best assets for charitable giving at death. If you are looking for a way to make a charitable donation, reduce estate taxes, and receive charitable tax deductions on income taxe…
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8 Strategies for Charitable Giving: Fund Your Favorite Charity While Reducing Your Tax Bill
November 15th, 2012
Charitable giving is a great way to reduce income and estate taxes while increasing your control over how your money is used. When you give to charity organizations in Ohio or nationally, you can take a charitable tax deduction either off your income…
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Tags: Charitable Giving
100% Estate Tax Elimination with a Testamentary Charitable Lead Trust or Charitable Remainder Trust
October 15th, 2012
A testamentary charitable lead trust (CLT) or charitable remainder trust (CRT) can be used to totally eliminate estate taxes if the trust is structured properly. By including a formula and specific wording, a testamentary trust can be structured so t…
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Tags: Charitable Giving
3 Ways to Give Scholarships to Reduce Taxes and Leave a Legacy of Education
October 4th, 2012
When people give scholarships through a charitable foundation or scholarship trust using funds from their own estate, it tells others that education is important to them. It leaves a legacy that inspires individuals to pursue education and facilitate…
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How Does a Conservation Easement in Ohio Work as a Planned Giving Tool?
October 2nd, 2012
Conservation easements in Ohio are a way to preserve family land and reduce taxes by permanently restricting development and land use in cooperation with a government agency, Ohio land trust or nationally recognized land trust. The easement can be do…
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Tags: Conservation Easement