» Tax Law

What is the Net Unrealized Appreciation Strategy

Building wealth takes time, effort, and careful planning. Once you’ve created that wealth, protecting it becomes just as important. If you have employer stock in a retirement plan, you might benefit from a tax-saving approach called the Net Unreali… Read More

What is Tax-Loss Harvesting?

Investing in stocks can yield great growth—but the flip side of that is that investing also involves risks. Some investments are winners, and others that looked promising initially fizzle disappointingly. But even those stocks that turn out to be d… Read More

Joe Biden’s Tax Plan: What Has and Has Not Changed

When a new president takes office, tax planners and financial planners sift through campaign promises as if they were tea leaves, trying to predict what laws will change and how to adjust their planning accordingly. President Joe Biden has been in of… Read More

House Ways and Means Committee Unveils Tax Proposal

Regular readers of this blog know that we have been on the lookout for tax changes on the horizon since the beginning of the current presidential administration. Reading the tea leaves of campaign promises and statements to the press, we have counsel… Read More

Estate Tax Planning Strategies for the Biden Tax Changes

In the first few months of President Biden’s administration, the focus has been on COVID-19 relief, voting rights, and infrastructure. But President Biden campaigned on changes to the tax system, and you can be sure that, sooner or later, the admin… Read More

How Will Estate Tax Law Change Under the Biden Administration?

In recent years, tax policy has tended to change depending on which political party held the reins in Washington, D.C. These swings are problematic for people making long-term financial decisions; The increasingly dynamic nature of tax law offers a g… Read More

Federal Estate Tax: Current State of the Law

When an individual dies, any assets they own could be subject to federal estate tax. However, under today’s laws, very few estates—only two in a thousand—are likely to pay federal estate tax. That figure could change significantly with the new… Read More

Using Your Tax Refund for Retirement Financial Planning

The tax filing deadline was delayed for three months in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, many of those who filed their taxes in July have recently received their income tax refunds. A tax refund can feel like a windfall, and many pe… Read More

Should You Make Your Business an LLC or S Corporation?

One of the first decisions a business owner is faced with is what business entity they should choose for their company. For many businesses, the choice comes down to two options: a limited liability company (LLC) or S corporation. An S corporation is… Read More

How to Convert a C Corporation to an S Corporation (And Whether You Should)

Since the implementation of the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) a couple of years ago, our office has received many inquiries about the benefits of converting an existing C corporation to an S corporation. In this article, we will briefly discus… Read More