A Special Needs Trust Can Give You Peace of Mind
Special needs trusts are a unique legal vehicle for protecting a loved one with disabilities. Our Dayton attorney group has extensive experience in this specialized area of law. We can provide expert guidance in the creation of your trust and resolution of other legal matters unique to families with special needs. Providing for a disabled child or adult after you are gone can be a great source of worry. Let us help alleviate your fears with a carefully crafted legal plan.
Together, we can prepare for the future security and comfort of your loved one with special needs. There are many ways to accomplish this goal, but special needs planning must be done properly to protect your assets and your child after you pass on.
Why a Will Isn't Enough
If you have a dependent disabled child and pass away with only a will in place but no special needs trusts established, or if you bestow assets directly upon a child with a disability, your money essentially becomes a gift to the government. Not only will your child lose government benefits, like Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid, the inherited money may also endanger medical coverage. Your remaining money is likely to be rapidly depleted. Moreover, disinheriting a special needs child is not a better option.
The ideal solution to this dilemma lies in special needs planning and the creation of a trust specifically designed to meet the needs of your loved one. It is the only way to avoid the pitfalls associated with a will and make sure your money truly blesses your special needs child. When drafted by our experienced team, this trust will allow your money to SUPPLEMENT your child's existing benefits and not REPLACE them. Your money can be used for additional medical care, personal items, services, and other things to enhance quality of life — just as you intended.
A Special Needs Trust Is About LOVE
It is never wise to rely solely on your children or other relatives to provide future care for your disabled child or adult after you pass on. At some point in the future, they may be unable or unwilling to do so. Gudorf Law Group can help you plan appropriately for the future care of your loved one, ensuring a much higher standard of living than that provided by government benefits alone. You will enjoy peace of mind knowing that your special needs trusts will be there as a long-term expression of your love.
You can learn more and have your questions answered via a free consultation about a special needs trust so contact us now.
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